Friday, 27 January 2017

Task 1c


  1. Good - for moving image you chose x3 examples and have described them. You need to do this for all 3 sectors (website & publishing.
    You need to use the information you have from your previous tasks (different genres & styles) to analyse and compare each example within each sector.

    C) You are to choose at least 3 different media sectors and compare and analyse the use of different digital media graphics within those media sectors.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Please use help sheets given and analyse/compare using subject terminology.

    Level 1 Pass – You have identified the graphic styles in three media genres.

    1. I have added another slide with text written in red and made a comparison based on the media sectors that I identified in the previous slides. I also added more information which I felt that needed to be added in red and I also took some information that seemed to be irrelevant in my first slide based on Eastenders.

    2. Good you have used more subject terminology correctly.

      2A.M2 (Merit) you have explained technical elements of graphic design principles in three existing digital media products from three different media sectors.
