Friday, 3 February 2017

Task 2a


  1. Good examples from all 3 sectors.
    You need to use more subject terminology (see brief & helpsheet) and you need to explain the technical elements (purpose? Does it communicate meaning, etc) rather than describe.
    When highlighting a technical element - e.g. Typography - please be more specific - how does the text/font through design help communicate the campaign's message.

    2A.P2 (Pass) You have described the technical elements of graphic design in two existing digital media products.

    1. I have made each keyword used within my presentation bold, italic and red so it would be easier for me to see which words I have used from the assignment brief. I also added more information based on the typography in red.

  2. Wheres task 2B? This should have been completed & uploaded by Wednesday 15th Feb

    1. Task 2B was uploaded on the 14th of February, however my label was not tagged onto my work, but I updated it and added a label.

    2. Hi Blessing well done - using more subject terminology has pushed your grade up!

      2A.M2 (Merit) you have explained technical elements of graphic design principles in three existing digital media products from three different media sectors.
